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Ronaldo rules roost in player form rankings ahead of weekend action

Ronaldo rules roost in player form rankings ahead of weekend action There's a familiar face at the top of the player form rankings across Europe's top five leagues ahead of this weekend's action, with Cristiano Ronaldo's man of the match display against Bologna last time out enough to gain the lead.The Portugal international netted the opening goal in the 2-1 win, s...

Team Focus: Midfield Trio Central to Valencia's Early Season Success

Team Focus: Midfield Trio Central to Valencia's Early Season Success Saturday’s clash with Atletico Madrid was seen as a real test of this season’s new-look Valencia and particularly its previously impressive three-man midfield of Dani Parejo, Javi Fuego and Andre Gomes. Both the team, and its central unit, came through really well as Atletico were beaten...

Player Focus: Dani Parejo Turning Things Around at Valencia

Player Focus: Dani Parejo Turning Things Around at Valencia From boo-boy to top of the class - few players have experienced a role reversal quite like that of Dani Parejo at Valencia. In 2012, while in his first season with the club, he was singled out by fans as a target of their frustration. Now in 2014, he’s one of very few players giving those exac...